CE This Week Stats Collection

Please enter a number from 1 to 48.
Copy the subject line of the email and enter it here.
To get this Campaign ID: click on any article link in the newsletter that goes to ConstructionExec.com.
You need to inspect the URL of that article - you can do this in the browser or by pasting it into a notepad.
In that URL, you'll find
where XXX is a (probably 10 character) string followed by another "&" - probably "&utm_medium". Enter that string.
Log into Mailchimp.
Click on the campaign
In the URL bar of your browser it will say
where XXX is a (probably 6 digit) integer.
Max. file size: 100 MB.
Please take a full page screenshot, at 800px wide and CETW centered in there. Make sure the copy of CETW you are using has ALL Sections and content. Make sure all ads are loading.
At the top of the copy of CETW sent to [email protected], click "View online" and copy the final URL.